At last, the New Year is upon us, my friends. I know what you’re thinking. Do we REALLY need another “goals for next year” post from you, Sami? Maybe not, but it helps guide me toward a freshly paved path. I am more than eager to extinguish the flame of this year’s past and begin with a blank slate. In order to do that, I want to reflect on my 2018 goals – those that I achieved, those that need some improvement, and those that are newly on tap for 2019.
- Read two books per month. – I’ll admit, this was a pretty lofty goal I set for myself. I did start to read again, but not nearly as much as I would’ve liked to, or could have. The good news? I finally got a library card, with imminent due dates becoming my new motivator to complete a book.
- Don’t check your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning. – I’m declaring this goal an EPIC FAIL. Checking my phone when I rise has become as habitual as succumbing to my appetite when I see a plate of pasta nearby. Zero self-control. For next year, minimizing my overall screen time will play a larger role in my life.
- Make more plans with friends. – This could always use some improvement, but it definitely requires a greater sense of urgency for next year. This includes taking weekend getaways to visit friends that, unfortunately, don’t live close. Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Boston – I’m coming for you!
- Be more adventurous. – I really let this goal fall by the wayside. Next year, I want to get out more and partake in activities outside of the usual realms of shopping and eating.
- Travel, travel, travel!! – Jacob and I took our first major vacation to London in May, and it won’t be stopping there. Our annual abroad tradition continues next year with a trip to Cartagena, Columbia!
- Start meal planning consistently. – “When you try your best but you don’t succeed.” – Coldplay. Given this past month of unhealthy eating (holiday chocolate is a weakness, ok??), what better time to revive this goal come January?
- Keep transforming the blog and Instagram into platforms YOU continue to remain proud of. – Honestly, the blog AND Instagram took a backseat in 2018, as I wanted to commit to living more in the present moment. As I continue to navigate this in 2019, I am aspiring to post at least twice a month moving forward, as I do miss writing and connecting with my readers (whoever you are, thank you for your continuous support)!
- Continue to volunteer twice a month. This is probably my most successful goal of the year. Donating money is wonderful and always necessary and appreciated, but giving your time is even more impactful. Everyone matters, and volunteering reminds those less fortunate that there are people out there who care about their well-being and want to make their world a little brighter than the day before.
- Save money. – I am already pretty frugal and have been putting money into my personal savings monthly since I graduated college. Now that I am moving in with Jacob in September and need to fund a series of trips next year, this goal is more imperative than ever.
- Work even harder. – I recently got promoted at work, and I am really excited about my new role! With a new position, comes greater responsibilities, and I am ready for a challenge that will help me grow as a young professional and forge my career path even further.
- Be more active. – Dad, I know you’re reading this, lol. But for real, I know that adding some form of exercise into my life will only increase my endorphins and energy. I just need to get off my bum and force myself to do it. To help you refuel after a vigorous workout, you may create protein balls for a quick snack.
- Write more. – I always ~plan~ to write regularly and consistently, but as you can see from my lack of blog posts this year, a change needs to be made.
This year was one of tremendous growth. While I am proud of the strides I have taken in inching closer to who I want to be, there is still so much work to do. In the meantime, I hope you all end 2018 on a high note and kick some serious butt in 2019. Happy Holidays, and I’ll see you in the New Year!
T-Shirt (similar HERE, HERE, and HERE): The Deep End Club x & Other Stories
Coat (similar HERE, HERE, and HERE): Kenneth Cole
Pants (similar HERE and HERE): & Other Stories
Boots (similar HERE, HERE, and HERE): Topshop
Sunglasses (similar HERE): Urban Outfitters
Photography: Jacob Goldberg
eugene the poogene says
you already got the dopest dood evs… i❤️jake…
Sami Mauskopf says
He’s the best!! <3