Ok, everyone. After multiple put-offs, Sweet Book of Mine is finally making a comeback and is here to stay. With most of us self-quarantining due to COVID-19 (Spring-breakers, GET YOUR FANNIES INSIDE), now is as great a time as ever to un-glue our eyes from our screens, detox from the never-ending stream of media, and […]
Under Construction, No Longer
It has certainly been some time since I last splattered my words and thoughts onto this blog (the break was much-needed). Here we are, six months later, not only ushering in a new year, but a new decade. If I could sum up my last 10 years in one phrase, it would be, “under construction”. […]
Appreciate the Process
I stumbled upon a tweet by Gary Vaynerchuk a few days ago: “Want to prove something? Prove that you’re enjoying the process of figuring yourself out and chasing your current ambitions and curiosities.” This piece of advice really stuck with me, because as a 20-something in the process of figuring her own self out, it […]
Eradicating Inadequacy
Inadequacy. The feeling that you are not enough, or not doing enough. The more it festers, the more your thoughts become shrouded in negativity, and your heart ends up on shaky ground. Even in the midst of all the good happening in your life, you can’t seem to look past that one small, insignificant thing […]
Sweet Book of Mine #1
In keeping with one of my myriad of New Year’s goals for 2019, I managed to read four books in the month of January. It saddens me to say that that number didn’t even come close the past TWO years, but hey, strides are strides. While reading, I remembered how good it feels to fall […]
Let’s Get It, 2019
At last, the New Year is upon us, my friends. I know what you’re thinking. Do we REALLY need another “goals for next year” post from you, Sami? Maybe not, but it helps guide me toward a freshly paved path. I am more than eager to extinguish the flame of this year’s past and begin […]
The Future Can Wait
The future — sometimes we fear it, like the monsters we were once convinced lived under our beds. Other times, we embrace it in full, with such an acute exhilaration for all we have to look forward to that we are forgetting one simple question: what about NOW? Since my high school days, I have […]
Fluttering About
This shirt’s sleeves aren’t the only thing fluttering about these days. Recently, I have been jumping into a ball pit of stress. With looming uncertainties about my career, finances, and personal success consuming almost every thought, I find myself overthinking the small stuff as well. The thing is, with a series of lows, eventually, comes […]
You vs. Time
Two hands, twelve numbers. Ticks and tocks, more commonly known as the haunting rhythmic reminder of the brevity of life. How can an inanimate object and an abstract concept dictate the way we go about our days? Why do we make ‘time’ the scapegoat for our unfulfilled dreams? We spend so much ‘time’ worrying about […]
The Joys of Weeping
Crying is anything but a sign of weakness. It is a necessary facial for our emotions, peeling open our vulnerability, extracting happiness, cleansing the soul. When we weep, we shed our dull, tired skin, comprised of everything holding us back, and unclog the pores to unveil a renewed sense of self. When tears fall, a […]