Two hands, twelve numbers. Ticks and tocks, more commonly known as the haunting rhythmic reminder of the brevity of life.
How can an inanimate object and an abstract concept dictate the way we go about our days?
Why do we make ‘time’ the scapegoat for our unfulfilled dreams?
We spend so much ‘time’ worrying about ‘time’, that we end up losing ‘time’ NOT doing the things that set our hearts and souls on fire.
So instead of willing ourselves to the demands of a 24-hour cycle, let’s bite our tongue at them.
Take a train to a place you’ve never been. Wander its streets. Absorb its sounds and smells. Feel the essence of ‘time’ begin to wither away. Because what is its business here, really?
Yes, ‘time’ is important, but so is living.
– sami m.
Top (similar HERE, HERE and HERE): Express
Pants (similar HERE, HERE and HERE): Missguided
Boots (similar HERE): Free People
Hat: Brixton
Photography: Jacob Goldberg
sara small says
I do agree that time rules our lives with a heavy hand. Either seemingly to move too fast or too slow, while never changing it’s steady tick-tock toward toward the end. We need to stop saying “you’re too young or old” and deal with things as they come along. Enjoy the “time” you have.
Excellent pictures taken by Jacob Goldberg! They just keep getting better and better as he gets to know his subject.