Instead of bombarding you all with another post about my stance on white after Labor Day, I will be focusing my energy on what is currently the crown jewel of my outerwear collection: my red leather jacket from Zara.
You know the famous saying, “Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about?” Well, never in my life did I imagine I’d see the day when Winston Churchill’s words of wisdom had a hand in my purchasing decisions. I mulled over the decision for about 10 minutes (pros and cons, the whole shebang) until I finally caved to the pressure (my heart) and bought the jacket.
I love this piece for a slew of reasons: 1) red is bold, daring and, without fail, eye-grabbing; 2) it complements an almost all-monochrome look rather nicely; and 3) it’s leather, and we all know how I feel about leather.
So, if you’re looking for a new addition to spice up your closet this fall, I 10/10 would recommend a red leather jacket.
Outfit Details
Jacket (similar HERE): Zara
Top: Zara
Pants (similar HERE): Caché
Boots (similar HERE): Missguided
Bag (similar HERE): Coach
Photography: Tori Mauskopf
What a cute style on you! xo Loren //
Thank you! 🙂