Two hands, twelve numbers. Ticks and tocks, more commonly known as the haunting rhythmic reminder of the brevity of life. How can an inanimate object and an abstract concept dictate the way we go about our days? Why do we make ‘time’ the scapegoat for our unfulfilled dreams? We spend so much ‘time’ worrying about […]
You vs. Time
The Joys of Weeping
Crying is anything but a sign of weakness. It is a necessary facial for our emotions, peeling open our vulnerability, extracting happiness, cleansing the soul. When we weep, we shed our dull, tired skin, comprised of everything holding us back, and unclog the pores to unveil a renewed sense of self. When tears fall, a […]
New York, My Dear
a city like none other, traveling faster than the speed of light skyscrapers welcoming her inhabitants with outstretched arms, beckoning opportunity at every corner. her streets are paved with the footprints of strivers, dreamers, believers who flourish among the perpetual sounds of taxis honking, builders constructing and subway tracks screeching. her neighborhoods churn with […]
We, Like Books
if you think about it, our live are essentially books. there’s the cover, a canvas of our own creation, painting portraits of our lives, as we’d like them to be observed by those around us. then there are the pages, chapters spilling our every wish, every desire, every mistake ever made. once written, they are […]
Poem of the Week #3
Poem of the Week #2
Poem of the Week #1
Poem for Graph Paper
Source Five summers ago, I had the privilege of attending Brown University’s Summer@Brown program, having taken a creative writing workshop with an emphasis in poetry. The workshop challenged my thinking in unimaginable ways, and it opened up a creative side of me I didn’t think I had. Once I started college, my desire to write […]