It’s crazy to think that not too long ago, I was braving the harsh winters of Wisconsin. There, you could find me and countless others trekking to class looking like the Michelin Man in our bulky North Face (or whatever brand tickles your fancy) parkas and snow boots. Now that I live in New York, winters are still brutal, but they are incomparable to Midwest-winter brutal. As such, I am striving to wear my parka less and less in an attempt to resort to more fashionable, snowy day looks.
Last winter, I decided it was time to upgrade my all-black snow booties to a taller and slightly chicer version. I found these Madden Girl boots on sale online at Kohl’s for around $70 (give or take a few bucks), and being a sucker for faux fur and quilted anything, I was sold. My main fear was that the functionality of the boots wouldn’t align with their aesthetic, but once I gave them a test run, all my concerns dissipated. The boots are waterproof, warm and have managed to withstand copious amounts of snow without so much as one hint of wear or tear.
In assembling my ideal snowy day outfit, I wanted to go for an overall edgy, urban chic look. The top half of the ensemble fulfills the cozy chic vibe, whereas the bottom half screams, “I’m city, and I know it.” Although it’s so easy to just throw on my parka and call it a day (believe me, I do it often), sometimes it’s fun to embrace the snow with open arms and a stylish winter look.
With that, this is officially my last post of 2016. Thank you to everyone who has been following along since I launched my blog last New Year’s Eve day. Writing has always been a solace for me and I look forward to putting out more enjoyable content for your viewing pleasure in 2017. If you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see on the blog next year, please comment below or shoot me an email!
Sweater (similar HERE): 2020Ave
Jeans (similar HERE and HERE): Topshop
Snow Boots (similar HERE): Madden Girl by Steve Madden
Coat (similar HERE): White House Black Market
Hat: Club Monaco
Gloves (similar HERE): Vintage
Handbag (similar HERE): Coach
Photography: Jacob Goldberg
Yes! Loving this look. This outfit is so on point.