When life hands you a wind tunnel, make it your bitch…for real. Shooting photos isn’t all fun and games when weather conditions pertinent to a concrete jungle refuse to GTFO, but why let that stop you? Work with it and I swear, the wind will do your bidding, even when your gut and freezing body are […]
Racing Stripes
When it comes to styling, I am a firm proponent of marrying retro with contemporary. Yes, I am well-aware that you all know this about me by now. In my defense, repetition runs in my mother’s side of the family. You can’t mess with genetics, man. But I digress. Today, I’m demonstrating my merging of […]
Pleading the 5th
Breaking News: Your girl is FINALLY investing in accessories. If you ask me how much jewelry I currently have to my name, the answer might depress you. The truth is, sometimes a bag or piece of jewelry can tie an entire outfit together. It’s just a matter of finding what works within your price range and/or desired aesthetic. Considering I […]