You guys, I CANNOT believe we are halfway through the year already. Moreover, I can’t believe it’s almost July, and this is my first outfit post of 2018 where I’m breaking out the shorts. Happy freaking Summer, pals! I think this is one of my favorite outfits I’ve put together in awhile. For someone who […]
Rad in Ruffles
Orange Crush
Lately, it feels as though I’ve been placing the blog on multiple hiatuses. For those of you who follow along, my sincerest apologies. I can solely blame it on the good ‘ol writer’s block, AS USUAL, or I can partially chalk it up to a chronic case of laziness (step one is admitting you have […]
Seeking Warmth
When you think “warmth”, your mind immediately jumps to sweatpants and faux fur jackets, the sound of your fireplace crackling and countless hours spent hiding under the covers until late April. Sounds pretty nice right about now, doesn’t it? More importantly than that, we should strive to derive warmth from within. The kind of warmth […]
Power Suit
The older I get, the more I appreciate fashion as a therapy of sorts. This does not refer to the copious hours spent in bed online shopping, haha; instead, I am pointing to the clothes that empower and motivate me to be the best that I can be. In a city like New York, the […]
New York, My Dear
a city like none other, traveling faster than the speed of light skyscrapers welcoming her inhabitants with outstretched arms, beckoning opportunity at every corner. her streets are paved with the footprints of strivers, dreamers, believers who flourish among the perpetual sounds of taxis honking, builders constructing and subway tracks screeching. her neighborhoods churn with […]
For the Love of Vintage
Blogging has done wonders for my realm of shopping possibilities. I’ve acquired numerous tips and tricks from fellow influencers on how to get the best bang for your buck, while maintaining originality and staying true to your own personal style. One of the particular items I’ve been having trouble with, though, is the blazer. The […]
Dear Fall
Dear Fall, It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance once again. Although I anticipate your time here will be depressingly fleeting, I want you to know how my spirit transforms when you’re around. Wonderful changes are on the horizon. The foliage turns vibrant in color and mood. The sticky, humid air becomes cool and crisp, […]
’80s Love Child
Now, for part two of my NYFW outfits, I present to you a look that unabashedly embodies “Grandma trying to make ~cool~ happen”. That is, if Grandma rummaged through her millennial granddaughter’s wardrobe and gave leather skirts a twirl because she wanted to feel young and hip again. If you continue to scroll down, you […]
Help Me, Help You
Hi there, my dearest readers. To all of you who took the time to peruse my last two posts, YOU DA BEST!! I am truly thankful for the constant love and support you’ve shown Sweet Blog of Mine since its inception, as well as the encouragement you’ve given me to pursue my passion to write, […]
Five Tips for Conquering Your First Year in NYC
Well, folks, I have officially survived my first year of living in New York City. I remember the conversation I had with my parents like it was yesterday. Early last summer, I declared that I was moving to the city, with or without a job, from my significantly smaller college town of Madison, Wisconsin. Was […]